Welcome to the FoodLAND Open Platform. This is the main site for exchanging and sharing research and development reports, protocols, recommendations, methods and results of the innovations that have been elaborated, tested and validated during the project.
Several innovative farming and food processing tools and systems have been developed, enabling producers to strengthen agro-biodiversity and food diversity, as well as a wide range of novel food products delivered through these innovations. Below you can find a general overview of all technologies that FoodLAND has gone through both for primary production and primary and secondary processing. Along with technological innovations, FoodLAND has produced some complementary material, such as protocols, health intervention studies, behavioural analyses and recommendations. By clicking on any of them, you will find all the necessary guidelines, training materials and additional information, which will help you replicate the innovation(s) of your interest. The novel food products that have been produced by each technology are also displayed together with their nutritional properties.