After a year of hard work since the FoodLAND meeting in Zanzibar (Tanzania), the consortium partners are meeting on 17-20 January 2024 in Kampala, Uganda, hosted by the Makerere University. More than 50 partners from 23 institutions and companies that comprise the FoodLAND consortium joined together to share their learnings and steps forward for the last period of the project, where the main objective will be to spread all the knowledge generated and all the tools and products developed, tested and validated with the aim of fostering agricultural production, food diversity and thus improve the nutrition performance of the African countries.

The meeting was opened by John Muyonga, the coordinator of FoodLAND in Uganda (from Makerere University), whereas the opening remarks were offered by Prof. Umar Kakumba, Makerere University’s Deputy Vice Chancellor, and the Executive Secretary of RUFORUM, Patrick Okori presented the challenges and opportunities of the research and innovation strategy for Africa.

Then, the day combined plenary sessions about the background research made regarding applied research and innovation with parallel sessions and workshops where partners met together to share their knowledge and define the plan for the dissemination of the results attained, both among Food Hubs and for interested stakeholders and population out from the consortium.

All partners showed a great commitment to the dissemination objectives we have from now to the end of the project, so FoodLAND is entering a very active stage. Stay tuned in!