Conferences in Kenya for stakeholders’ engagement and validation of nutritional recommendations

The FoodLAND partners of the University of Nairobi, Kenya, have recently organised two conferences in Kitui and Nyeri counties, two of the counties where FoodLAND is working and has established Food Hubs. Each conference brought on board 40-50 representatives of households, community groups who represent households and individuals in various forums (community health promotors/volunteers (CHP/CHV), government ministries that are closely aligned to human nutrition interests (health, agriculture livestock & fisheries, trade & industry, social & gender and the office of the County government) and FoodLAND teams representing the University of Nairobi.
On the one hand, the Kitui County stakeholder’s engagement conference on nutrition recommendations was held from the 13th to the 14th of July 2023 at the Parkside Motel Kitui in Kitui Town.
On the other hand, the Nyeri County stakeholder’s engagement conference on nutrition recommendations was held from the 19th to the 20th of July 2023 at the Rhino Hotel in Nyeri Town. The participants in the Nyeri County FoodLAND Stakeholders Engagement Conference (FSEC) proposed an innovative novel way of addressing issues of foods that place people at risk of NCDs. They asserted that foods that place people at risk of non-communicable diseases, such as type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM), carry a warning such as is the case with alcohol and cigarettes. Thus, the manufacturer or one responsible for packaging and labelling bears the responsibility.