On 28 July 2023,  the FoodLAND project INAT team held a workshop at their facilities dealing with the nutritional recommendations to be developed as part of the project’s ambitious objectives.

The aim of this workshop was to provide the public authorities with nutritional recommendations based on the results of the field studies carried out by FoodLAND and to ensure that these recommendations are incorporated into national strategic guidelines relating to food and nutritional safety.

During the workshop, participants, including national and regional public institutions, scientific researchers (INAT, ISACM, INRAT, INNTA), international cooperation agencies (FAO, WFP, IFAD, AICS), the NGO CEFA (the other Tunisian partner in the project), and representatives of civil society, such as Culinary strolls and Dairy Club, restored and discussed the results of the field research done by FoodLAND partners, mainly based on a series of surveys to urban and rural consumers aimed at collecting their food consumption habits and preferences.