Local kick-off meeting in Ethiopia

Local kick-off meeting is celebrated among Ethiopian partners of FoodLAND project, University of Mekelle and Relief Society of Tigray, along with the...

FoodLAND Kick-off Meeting


Twenty-eight interdisciplinary partners will be coming together for the celebration of the Kick-off Meeting of the FoodLAND project. Due to the current...

Local kick-off meeting in Uganda

Local kick-off meeting is celebrated among Ugandan partners of FoodLAND project, Makerere University, National Agricultural Research Organization, Volunteer Efforts for Development Concerns...

Local kick-off meeting in Kenya

Local kick-off meeting is celebrated among Kenyan partners of FoodLAND project, University of Nairobi, Ministry of Agriculture Livestock and Fisheries of Kenya,...

Local kick-off meeting in Morocco

Local kick-off meeting is celebrated among Moroccan partners of FoodLAND project, Ecole Nationale d’agriculture – Méknes and Groupement d’interet Economique Zoyout dir...