Sokoine University of Agriculture is a public University based in Morogoro, Tanzania. Since its establishment Sokoine University of Agriculture is best known for offering courses and programmes broadly in the field of Agriculture, Veterinary Science, Forestry, Animal Science, Wildlife Management, Tourism Management, Environmental Science, Food Science, Consumer Studies, Natural Resources, Nutrition, and Rural Development. Sokoine University of Agriculture also carries out research in all areas of agriculture and natural resources through which innovations are being produced through collaborative and demand driven research and consultancies for smallholder farmers as well as other beneficiaries including private institutions; NGOs and CBOs.

Role in Foodland

  • Sokoine University of Agriculture is the institution in charge of WP4, related to technological research along the supply chain.
  • Sokoine University of Agriculture contributes to the project with several improved bean lines, with augmented nutrient contents (Fe and Zn), and is leading the technological research for agricultural and horticulture production, including the evaluation of the potential agronomic and nutritional effectiveness of improved legume lines, as well as the technological research for primary processing, such as the implementation and test of some milling processes to produce composite flours that combine food raw materials / ingredients resulting in an improvement of nutritional and functional properties. Additionally, Sokoine University of Agriculture is leading the exchange and replication across the network of Food Hubs of the technological research experiences and results generated under WP4 will be in order to ensure feedbacks and further advancements.
  • Sokoine University of Agriculture is involved in all the tasks that comprise the project.