FoodLAND at the 98th Annual Conference of The Agricultural Economics Society

On 18-20 March 2024, the FoodLAND partner Simone Piras from the James Hutton Institute joined the 98th Annual Conference of The Agricultural Economics Society, held at the University of Edinburgh, UK.
Simone participated in this event in two separate sessions. On the one hand, he presented the paper entitled “What affects smallholder farmers’ willingness to cooperate? Evidence from public good games with different design elements in three African countries”, where he showed the results based on the experiments conducted in Tanzania, Kenya and Tunisia.
On the other hand, Simone contributed with the poster “How does health-related information impact willingness to pay for olive oil? An incentivised lab experiment with Moroccan and Tunisian consumers“, based on the auction / eye-tracking experiment carried out in Tunisia and Morocco.