On 3 October 2023, the FoodLAND partner Prof. Jesper Clement (CBS), visited Sokoine University of Agriculture (Tanzania). The mission of the visit was to conduct training for researchers and enumerators for the eye-tracking experiment. This research activity aims to test the acceptability of different flour packaging bag designs. The activity was combined with a testing panel of the nutritious composite flour porridge.  The porridge was made from different formulations of legumes and cereal flours.

The pretesting was done on 4 October 2023 with 14 participants. The selection of participants for pretesting was done as per the gender equality principle of the FoodLAND project. Purposely, two female enumerators were chosen along with the male trainer and other SUA FoodLAND project team members. These team members were slotted for each day of the pretest to act as supervisors of the activity.

Thereafter, in the actual experiment, male and female participants with children of five years of age or younger were sampled and included in the experiment. A total of about 218 participants (50 male and 168 female) were involved in the study. The experiment was very successful, and we are now waiting for the analysis of the rich data that has been collected.