FoodLAND at the 2023 EAAE Congress

On 30 August 2023, several FoodLAND partners shared the knowledge gained in the development of the project in the 2023 EAEE Congress in Rennes, France: Luca Mulazzani and Valentino Marini Govigli from the University of Bologna, Simone Piras and Laure Kuhfuss from the James Hutton Insitute, Chokri Thabet and Ali Chebil from ISACM, and Carla Barlagne from Inrae.
Based on the evidence collected during the research activities carried out in the 5 African countries, the topics they discussed were Adverse events’ influence on smallholder farmers’ time preferences, What affects smallholder farmers’ willingness to cooperate, Smallholders’ food security between agriculture and migration, Willingness to pay for olive oil by consumers in Tunisia and Morocco, and Farmers’ willingness to adopt enhanced irrigation systems.
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