FoodLAND Project & the Global Diet Quality Project: a fruitful collaboration!

The Global Diet Quality Project is a collaboration between Gallup, Harvard Department of Global Health and Population and the Global Alliance for Improved Nutrition that aims to collect dietary quality data in the general adult population across countries worldwide and to provide the tools for valid and feasible diet quality monitoring within countries. During 2021, FoodLAND contributed to the project by assessing the preliminary Diet Quality Questionnaire (DQQ) tools for the countries of the project.
FoodLAND local teams field-tested the DQQs and provided inputs in relation to food items, local names and translations based on their technical and context expertise. Inputs were discussed and taken into account for the final versions of the DQQs for Morocco, Tunisia, Kenya, Tanzania and Uganda that were released in the official Global Diet Quality Project launch on December 9th.
Both the FoodLAND project and the Global Diet Quality Project are funded by the European Commission and have as common interest the monitoring and improvement of diet quality of populations.
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